Saturday, May 7, 2011

Uncle Sam explodes with hatred

Killing an unarmed man even though his name was Osama Bin Laden, seems quite a common event for the USA commonly known as Uncle Sam. In my own lifetime the US has abused human rights in many countries including their own so nothing surprises me nowadays.

A commonly used phrase is "collateral damage", which seems to satisfy Western allies. It cuts no ice with me though as history clearly shows abuses of power in Vietnam and central America etc etc. The list of countries is avaliable on the web and I'm not going to wear out my fingertips typing them all.

I wonder if Bin Laden considered the same words when he attacked the USA. Of course little mention is now made that his group attacked the Pentagon as well on 9/11.

Just the other day I watched a PBS programme in which a US senator stated that nothing big ever happens without USA input, influence and involvement. Well, HELLOO: Who put the furst man into space? Russia of course and I'm sure it happened without US influence.